Android p developer preview ,android p full name and release date


It's time to start speculating with, the next version of Android going to be because the first preview of it is out. It will be Android P that will be based in some sort of treat that starts with the letter P (Android Pie). I don't know but drop a comment and let me know what you actually think the next version is going to be.

Android p developer preview

Now the first android p developer preview is out but there's a lot of changes actually aesthetically and just some interesting features including some sort of natural aided features. I'm going through everything that I found and that's Google has actually put out. They've made some changes in the user interface and also some new features are coming to Android P final version. Generally, few previews come out before the official release.

let's discuss about the rumours circling first developer preview of Android P. Before we really get started, Android P which hasn't given a number yet it's just Android P, not 9 which you would expect it to be.


android p

Android p easter egg

You'll see Android version P on quickly tapping there is that Easter Egg right there, so the P and lots of different colors and actually if you either lock the screen or restart it. It will change colors in a very trippy, psychedelic way so if I go ahead and just lock it you'll see it is an animating and switching colors. As I lock and unlock my phone there are different color options. After playing around with it, if you want it to be extra psychedelic you can actually just pinch to zoom in and out you'll see he'll just keep resetting as you pinch in and out so pretty trippy there. let's begin with original Google pixel. But you can install it on any other pixel device. At the moment those are the only ones supported. I had to manually flash this developer preview as I didn't get it via the beta program right away.

android p

Android p clock is now at the upper left side

Don't glance to the upper-right anymore, it looks like they have moved that clock to the upper left-hand corner of the status bar which is quite interesting. Swiping down you'll notice, they completely revamped quick settings icons. They just have colors, no text whatsoever and a little bar down below to let you know you can't expand them. Still, you'll notice that Settings icon goes away when you swipe down. Once swiping down again brings us to everything where all of those little widgets are a different style look to them. You still have your brightness control right there. You can edit them and when you edit them you can just drag and drop them.

When you swipe down twice or of course you can still swipe down with two fingers to get to all of the notifications themselves. They look just a little bit different. It shows the icon of the person that the message you sent so if I hit reply and say hi back it's going to pop up my specific contact icon.So you have contact icons within the messaging app. Also, I can't get it to work but it will actually offer you suggested replies within the notification. I believe that would be a setting within the messaging app that needs to get updated.

android p

Change in settings icons

Right next to the phone there appears very similar interface. You can still swipe up to get to your app tray it has duo and allo pre-installed. As expected going back home, you'll notice that search bar down bottom. But if you press and hold you get to wallpapers app; the exact same just choose all the same wallpapers to go into home settings. They changed icon shape for whatever reason that was on there to a rounded square. You can change the icon and try to drop and show. Check out those icons now they have little tails on them. All of them are in the app drawer.

Next up, going to the Settings app and to standard display settings. Scrolling all the way down you'll notice the nice theme settings. Great right? you can start to theme your pixel maybe a night mode not quite. You should not worry as this isn't going to be in the final release version, this is just a developer feature. As if you guys know some Android phones have started to come out with a little notch up at the top.So, Google is following the same trend and you'll see it in device theme. Checking out tall display cut out sometimes it works.

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Support for notch

You can add a notch to this phone in the developer option. This is just a developer option don't worry guys it's just for app developers to be able to actually develop for these phones that are coming out with a notch. When trying a wide cutout display there's a wide notch on your phone. You'll see that it didn't do much. So you're going to run into bugs as this isn't necessarily a perfect version. I wouldn't necessarily recommend flashing this if you have it on your daily phone. this is not my daily phone hence why I'm not going to use it.

Intelligent auto rotate

The next feature Google didn't really mention but I did notice it and I'm actually very excited about it .It has to do with Auto rotating and I have Auto rotate on. But I'm going to turn it off and watch what happens. When I go to actually auto rotate this screen it should rotate but notice an icon that pops up. It gives you the option to switch to landscape mode instead of portrait mode. Before it was only portrait only but now I can go ahead and switch into portrait and it pops up again. This is a great way to combat accidental landscape portrait mode if you're just moving your phone around you'll see it'll give you the option but it won't actually do anything until you press that button once.

android p

Easier to access volume slider and screenshot option

Pressing and holding the power button, you not only get power off and reset but you also get a screenshot button. After a quick screenshot, it saves it and you can share, edit it to a device. But also in a new update, if you go ahead and use your volumes there on the right side and they've really customized it.So when you're using your phone one-handed it's easy to switch that volume up and down. Taking a close look, you'll see that it says media. You can tap this to change to your meet specific media output on-the-fly. You can drag and drop the icon here. Then down at the bottom go from ring vibrate and mute as well.

You know maybe of what's upcoming it's an android eight battery settings which are pretty funny because it's not going to be Android eight. But I want to make note of the system UI demo mode.It normally does is, it just enables a screenshot demo mode ad. The clock generally will change to what the Android versions going to be. so in the past Android seven auto, it was seven o’clock. I could think of as to why they're changing it to ten, who knows.

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Reduced power mode

If I go into battery settings they have changed it to reduced power mode which you can activate a low battery mode. Some features are limited turn that on or off. You can show the battery percentage.

Wi-Fi RTT and Dual lens support

Android P offers support for Wi-Fi RTT (round-trip time). If you've ever been in a mall or a building it struggles to find your GPS location. What this does is offer support for indoor maps. I guess the location and indoor positioning and apps can take advantage of this API . Now there's also update for multi-camera support so if you have dual rear-facing cameras or even dual front-facing cameras they offer support for this. What that means is they can individually control each lens for zoom bokeh other features as well and this also might indicate that the next Google pixel might actually have two lenses. Of course, it being a Developer Preview they've offered some behind the scenes improvements such as HDR support and a bunch of other ones.

I want to see what you guys come up with as what you think Android p is going to be named as always guys thank you very much for reading.

What will Android P be called?

As android p full name and android p version name are not public yet. Here is the list compiled and we rated each prediction. Android p release date is not disclosed but we will update as a rumor is out.

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