If you are a potential user of Zoom Town Email, High-Speed DSL Internet Services and have a problem setting up a Zoomtown email login, this is the place to be. Zoomtown offers exclusive internet packages succumbing to the users current need for availability of news & entertainment. This service is provided through Suncor; otherwise, Zoom Town’s ADSL is driven by Fuse which is the Internet Service Provider (ISP) to Cincinnati Bell.
Zoom Town is an Internet service provided by the Cincinnati Bell Company. In fact, the Cincinnati company offers two types of Zoom Town Internet services Zoomtown and zoom town plus.
Steps to Login Zoomtown Email Account
- Open your browser like chrome, firefox or micorsoft edge.
- Type “http://www.cincinnatibell.net/” on the Address bar or click here.
- Then you will come across a page with gdpr information.

- Click on maintain Account on the lower side.
- You will be prompted to the Zoom town email login tab, which basically looks like this:

- You can see the “E-mail address” field and the “Password” field in the middle of your tab, which you need to fill in.
- Enter your very own zoomtown e-mail address.
- After entering your e-mail address correctly, enter your password.
Note: Check that your Caps Lock Key is set to on and you have a common keyboard layout that you are used to.
Finally, click on the blue “Login in” button on the upper right side.
If your Zoomtown email login and password match, you are successfully logged in to your Zoomtown email.
And if you think what about us smartphone users? Don't worry, we'll take care of you. For Zoomtown email login on mobile, open your mobile browser such as chrome and repeat the process.
How to configure Gmail to pull mail from Zoomtown email?
Having to visit multiple sites to view your important emails creates a huge hassle. Would not it be much better if all your mails arrived & conveniently get listed in one central place?
Here are the instructions for setting up Gmail to collect mail from your email mailbox at Zoomtown email.
- Login to your Gmail account from mail.google.com
- Click on the wheel icon at the top-right corner of the page, and select “Settings” from the menu that scrolls down.
- Go to the “Accounts” tab & click on the “Add another email address” . See pic below:

- A window opens asking for your Zoomtown email address. Type it & press next.

- In the next window, select “Import emails from my other account (POP3)” & press next again.
- Enter you credentials (username & password) of your Zoomtown one last time and enter “pop.zoomtown.com” in the “POP Server” field.
- IMPORTANT: Select the “Leave a copy of retrieved message on the server” option as well.
- Click the “Add Account” button to move to next step.
- Finally, select the “No (you can change this latter)” option and click “Finish” to complete the setup.
Zoomtown email online blling – Cincinnati Bell
You no more have to receive paper bills in the mail instead will get a simple and hassle-free eBill. The company has incorporated this paperless billing solution service & it’s completely free to you users. You can manually view it through “My Cincinnati Bill” from your profile at any time.
The Bill is made available to you online 1-2 days after your billing date. eBill ready notifications can be enabled through “Billing & Payment Notification” section under “My Profile” in your “My Cincinnati Bell account”.

You can opt to any of Cincinnati Bell Online Billing options:
- A one-time payment online by electronic cheque, debit card or credit card.
- Autopay is available to automatically pay your monthly bills via an electronic debit card from the checking account of your choice.
- You can also pay at other websites.
- Print a copy of your bill and pay by mail.
- You can also pay up by phone, using the automated phone system: 513-565-6090.
Fix Zoomtown email Selecting address Problem
There is Zoomtown email Support that helps Selecting your address. At any day you can call onto the contact number: (513)566-5237 & give your location details for the network setup at your place.Cincinnati Bell offers an exceptional customer service available 24/7 to you end-users. You can make an enquiry any time with the company regarding any queries you have related to the company’s services. You can do so by visiting your nearby Cincinnati Bell branch, or making a call to Cincinnati help-desk & support. You can also chat in real-time with the Customer service employees & have your problems solved in ease. A technician visit may or may not be required but the Customer service agent is sure to advice you of the installation procedure & compatibility.
You can also visit the nearby Cincinnati Bell store or chat to an agent in real-time in Cincinnati Bell’s very own website.
Also, we know in this rushed world, you might need to move from one place to another due to a multitude of reasons, arising the need for change of address for your internet subscription. Luckily, the process for it yet remains the same as the very first installation.
Hope your zoomtown email login will be fixed after reading this post. Feel Free to comment if you encounter any problems.